Sunday, December 28, 2008

Super Cute Photobooth Photos!!!

Its glamour shot time, Korea style! I love photobooths and the ones here in Korea are nothing short of amazing! The photos are really good quality and the lady will laminate them for you in sparkly paper for free. We even got to cuteize them after we were finished with hearts and cute backgrounds. Ahhhh, photobooths!

Gorgeous Chirstmas Lights at Lotte Plaza

Check out the beautiful lights at Lotte Plaza! Ah, the holidays!

Drinks at Exit

Will and I had a few drinks before the holidays at the local townie bar, EXIT.

Boring times at the animation museum

The Seoul Animation Museum was soooo disappointing but the figures outside of the museum were pretty cool. If you are planning on going there, prepare to say "What?! This is it?" It was like one room with some DVD's and comic books. Lame!

All I want for Chirstmas is Korean BBQ!!!

For Chirstmas this year, Will and I had our favorite meal, Korean BBQ! Very delicious!

Dog in a Locker

Oh Korea! How endearing your quarks are! And what a wonderful idea- a locker for dogs! This pooch is in a locker at Lotte Mart that is made especially for dogs. Gotta love it!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Cotton Candy Awaaaaay!

Korea has won a special place in my heart when I recently discovered the cotton candy making machine near my house that costs 200 Won per pop. This is like 20 cents to make fresh, delicious cotton candy! Hell yes!

Donut Tour 2008

Korea has many fine donut establishments so Will and I decided to hit all of them up.... Mister Donut, Krispy Kreme, Dunkin' Donuts..... All very great places.

Shopping at the COEX

A Relaxing day at the COEX. You know, shopping... Pink bunnies...

Basically, we like to get our photos taken in front of stuff at the mall we like.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

We wish you a merry x-mas.....

Will and I took some cheesy holiday photos in the designated "Photo Zones" of the mall and shopping areas downtown. Gotta love the holiday card-worthy cheesy smiles!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Boiling Water

I have been sick. Like super sick. Apparently I have an Upper Respiratory Infection... Like some tonsillitis and bronchitis and all that good stuff. Some sort of Asian flu that makes you feel as if your old bones are aching out of your body and every breath feels strained and rattled.

Yesterday I went to the doctor to get some medicine and boy do they every like to give you pills here! I have 7 pills I am supposed to take 3 times per day and cough syrup 4 times per day. Totally nuts!

Today, I tried to work in the morning but ended up failing miserably and ended up back home in bed getting rest. In order to beat the terrible dryness of my apartment, my mom suggested boiling pots of water. Ahhhh. Relief! The rattle in my chest is no more and I can breath with ease. It feels almost like Iowa summer in here:)

I sure hope I get better soon!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The first snow of the year.......

I am very excited that it snowed for the first time this winter today! Snow in Korea almost makes living by the smokestacks look virginal and beautiful! Watching kids play in 1/4 inch of snow is hilarious too!

Today, I hung out with friends and watched Christmas movies while drinking hot cocoa and making homemade Christmas cards. A perfect Sunday, don't you think?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Heated Floors and iPod Mixes

I thought I would post a mix of some of the songs that have been playing on my iPod non-stop for the last few weeks. Enjoy!

"Bruises" Chairlift
"Courtship Dating" Crystal Castles
"Machine Gun" Portisehead
"Kim & Jessie" M83
"Weekend Wars" MGMT
"I Lust U" Neon Neon
"Battle Royale" Does It Offend You, Yeah?
"Pretty Green" Santogold
"Vanished" Crystal Castles
"You Belong" Hercules and the Love Affair
"Lights & Music" Cut Copy
"Destrokk" MGMT

Music Playlist at

This kid rocks my world!

I sooo want to have a kid like this someday that will rock out in his nerd sweater and make sweet music videos for YouTube about UFOs.

Ahhhh! What a little heartbreaker!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

That's right! Kic-Ker is!!!! These generic Kit-Kats definitely do nothing to satisfy my need for a Kit-Kat bar but they sure look nice, huh? Oh, Korea!