Monday, September 29, 2008

Korea is so ridiculously hip, don't you think?

More blogging to gush about how much I frickin' love Honik University. I coo-choo-choose Honik as my new love of my life. I wanna move there and bask in the loveliness of cute Korean hipsters and the whole non-Foreigner thing. They even had a greaser-50's guy store there. Crazy!

Me doing the creepy thing and modeling with the self timer in the bathroom like a 12 year old on Myspace. Baaaah, I just wanted a picture of my cute new bunny shirt I got for $8 at a boutique around the Honik area.

Soju and Hite beer earrings. Along with a Marlboro and cigarette cell phone dangler. Gotta teach the kids what's up, I guess.

Um, I finally found Nylon Korea..... In the subway. Most magazines here come with awesome samples and they are like 10 times thicker than magazines back in the U.S. I also picked up Cracker magazine, which I saw on the net. Free!!! Street fashion and good stuff.

This girl at Honik totally made these pins and I bought tons of them!!! She was selling them for $1 each- crazy huh? She drew the little pictures then cut them out and pasted and clear coated them onto a wooden back with a pinback. I wanted to buy everyone she had! Sooo cute and awesome! And she was amazed that I was American. I guess there are not many foreigners in the Honik area. Hmmm.

Krispy Kreme donut stickers from the Krispy Kreme donut place I had a snack at. They make the donuts right there in their little factory and they took one right off the line for me to have for free as a sample or something. It was sooooo amazingly good!

Here is a sweet handmade journal I picked up at Honik at the book festival. Some cool college girls made them! Yes! Octopus man is having his way with hot girl.

This blog entry was sooo self-gratifying and probably only interesting to me. Oh well.